Freetown PD has
switched to their new
470.925R 203.5
(*info courtesy of pete
on ScanMass.net 9/24/04)
details |
Operation Neighborhood Shield is underway in Boston with BPD 3 460,225R 118.8
being patched to I-TAC-3 867.5125R 156.7, H-PTL-3, and BAPERN4 470.5625
131.8. State Units using H-PTL-1 for their Ops. BPD Puerto Rican Festival Units
on BPD1 460.350R 118.8 |
Boylston Fire reportedly
now using
33.06 131.8
(*info courtesy of artb257
on ScanMass.net 8/6/04)
Massport800 system at Logan reportedly switching to all Type2 Talkgroups on 7/19
at 10am |
Berlin PD reportedly now using
37.06 as their main channel
(*info courtesy of K1IW)
Hull FD now operating on their new repeater
153.995in 110.9
(*info courtesy of artb257
on ScanMass.net 6/4/04)
Yarmouth FD now
simulcasting their 800 talkgroup onto 453.150R 167.9 (*info courtesy of
Caldwell's Antenna
5/11/04) |
Pawtucket RI has switched to their new 470 APCO25
(*system see
details from HankyPanky on ScanMass.net
4/21/04) |
Southborough Fire
is now testing on
471.425R D065
(*info courtesy of artb257
on ScanMass.net 4/11/04)
TotalRF again has a T-Band
WPZW711 for the Boston Marathon TV pool coverage. See Marathon
4/07/04 |
Milford Fire
is reportedly now testing on
470.625R DO65
(*info courtesy of BFD23483 4/2/04)
Pawtucket RI is reportedly testing their new UHF APCO25 system
(*info courtesy of HankyPanky
on ScanMass.net 3/26/04)
is reporting that a GRE mobile version of the Pro-96 is on the way
details |
Plymouth Fire
reportedly activating one of their new UHF repeaters today on
470.100R or
470.750R 210.7
(*info courtesy of
on ScanMass.net 3/10/04)
Dedham Fire
has a UHF repeater pair licensed on
453.6875R input
458.6875 2/23/04 |
PD has a new UHF repeater pair of
460.4125R 2/23/04 |
Mt Wachusett has
a new license with two new repeater pairs
452.7625R and one of their old
464.575R 2/23/04 |
Norwell Police now on
484.650R D023 (*info courtesy of
Caldwell's Antenna
1/1/03) |
Attention Pro96 users see the CQPSK Update above!!
Westport Police now on
471.400R 71.9
(*info courtesy of
ScanMass.net 1/10/04)
The new
District 6 North Middlesex Net Mutual Aid repeater on
483.6375R 156.7 was being tested today by Burlington and Westford FD's
(*info courtesy of Stephen
York on sme2
1/16/04) |
Holden PD has switched over to
460.3875R 127.3
(*info courtesy of
Mike Darche on Scan-Mass-East
Westminster FD is now
simulcasting on
460.1625 127.3
(*info courtesy of jbella
on ScanMass.net 1/2/04)
WCVB's Channel 4
450.4125R 103.5 was back at full power today and being tested in Nashua.
For some reason Mendon FD now has a powerful 2 watt repeater
simulcasting on
(*info from ScanMass.net 1/4/04)
Ayer Fire now on
470.425R D065
(*info courtesy of Bill Smith
on ScanMass.net 12/20/03)
Holden Fire
now using
460.4625R 167.9
(*info courtesy of David
Toscano on Scan-Mass-East
Westport PD is now testing on
471.400R 71.9
(*info courtesy of Tim
on ScanMass.net 12/10/03)
Reports of A-PTL-2 being intermittently being patched to a new
NEMLEC channel of
(*info from ScanMass.net 12/4/03)
Sturbridge PD is now repeaterized on
155.415R 110.9
(*info courtesy of Paul612
on ScanMass.net 12/1/03)
Concord FD
reportedly has received funding to purchase a repeater for their long licensed
Boston Police channel of
460.425 D423 was heard active with multiple units testing on Thurs 11/6/03
The missing MIT Police
have not switched to light and have been found on
867.4375R 146.2 (*info courtesy of
Essex Police reportedly now on
483.300R 162.2 (*info courtesy of
Caldwell's Antenna
Bellingham Police
has now switched over too
471.025R D025
WPXJ748 as thier main (input
Fall River Fire now testing on
(*info courtesy of Providence
Citywide Car 53 10/13/03)
Spooky World behind
Gillette Stadium Frequencies
Onset Fire now operating on
453.125R 118.8
Oxford Fire reported
as partially operational on
154.0325R 94.8
(*info courtesy of Alarmroom
on ScanMass.net 10/10/03)
Rochester Police now operating on
471.675 MHz. PL 203.5
(*info courtesy of Scott from
on ScanMass.net 10/1/03)
Bellingham Police
is now testing on their new frequency of
471.025R D025
WPXJ748 (input
(*info courtesy of MRS-426)
Gardner PD now operating a repeater
155.730R 192.8 with the input of
151.220 110.9
(*info courtesy of BillC
on ScanMass.net 9/14/03)
Reports of a patch of MSP A-PTL-2 & H-PTL-1 coming and going on
484.425R one of the new NEMLEC channels
(*info courtesy of mikerubino
on ScanMass.net 9/13/03)
More Info
Westminster FD
is now simulcasting
33.96 127.3 onto
460.1625R 127.3
(*info courtesy of pluto1914
Well The Deutsche Bank
Championship at The Players Club in Norton MA has ended but here is a
Frequency Report
Boxford Police reportedly now using
483.100R D411 one of the new channels licensed to their Fire dept.
(*info courtesy of DaveM on sme2
The Boston Red Sox have licensed
452.100 for portable use around Fenway Park
Boston EMS's Gary Saffer
has posted the newly proposed EMS splinters on the
Hopedale PD reportedly now on
158.9925R with an input of
(*info courtesy of MHSFFDMPD
on ScanMass.net 8/3/03)
Liberty Tunnel/TWT traffic has all been moved to E-PTL-4 35824
from E-PTL-1 (See
Johnson's Website as always for all MSP use 8/2/03)
Topsfield PD now on
453.975R PL 74.4
(*info courtesy of daz1
Below mentioned pending trunk for the Mass Convention Center
FD now repeaterized on
154.235R 131.8 with
159.375 85.4 as the input.
(*info courtesy of MHSFFDMPD
on ScanMass.net 7/27/03)
Westborough Police and Fire both on new UHF systems. FD
482.400R 114.8 PD
482.3625R 123.0
MSP Zone 5 back at 10 Zone 1 still at 13
7/1/03 |
MSP Zone 5 back to 10 channels
just 1 missing 856.9625. Zone 1 still at 13 6/12/03
Carlisle Police is
now on
460.2875 DPL411
(*info courtesy of Jon Dorman
MSP Zone 5 back to 7 active
frequencies 6/08/03 |
Westborough FD is now testing on
482.400R 114.8
(*info courtesy of
John Galla
FireNews 6/7/03) |
Oxford FD moving too
154.0325R 94.8 (156.0075in)
(*info courtesy of Alarmroom
on ScanMass.net 6/3/03)
details |
West Brookfield FD switching to
155.8125R 74.4 (158.9325in)
(*info courtesy of Alarmroom
on ScanMass.net 6/3/03) |
MSP Zone 5 back to 9 channels
just 1 missing 6/02/03 |
Tim Caldwell is reporting on
his site Amtrack
has licensed a 900MHz Trunk for South Station 5/27/03 |
Milford FD have a pending license for
470.625R and reportedly plan on using D065
(*info courtesy of MRS-426 and Peter Szerlag 5/28/03) |
Plymouth FD have a pending license for
470.100R and
(*info courtesy of Peter
Szerlag on sme2 5/27/03) |
The New South Boston Convention Center has a
pending trunk on
(*info courtesy of Peter
Szerlag on sme2 5/27/03) |
Charlton Fire using
88.5 for fireground mobile repeaters tied to
(*info courtesy of Alarmroom on
ScanMass.net 5/27/03) |
MSP Zone 5 appears to be
back to just 7 channels 5/27/03 |
Rehoboth FD now on 470.450R 77.0
(*info courtesy of Dan Costa
5/24/03) |
Groveland FD is now operating on
154.8675R 82.5 (input
(*info courtesy of Art Burns on
ScanMass.net 5/24/03) |
MSP Radio techs added 3 more channels to
Zone 5 today putting all of it's 10 channels on the
air 5/20/03 |
Bellingham Police
has ordered equipment for
WPXJ748 (input
(*info courtesy of MRS-426) |
Gillette Stadium's head of security has licensed a
new UHF trunked system
(*info courtesy of MHSFFDMPD) |
MBTA-Signs a $25,717,247.77 Contract With
M/A-Com, for a Systemwide Radio & CAD/AVL System.
See Story |
Topsfield FD is now simulcasting on their new channel
453.4625 107.2 4/22/03) |
TotalRF is
in town and testing for the Marathon on a group of interesting temporary
channels this year. See Marathon 03 |
Boston PD Bravo units back on Ch3
4/13/03 |
Plymouth County updates with Onset Fire moving
soon to
453.125 173.0 according to a post on the
ScanMass.net board.
See Post |
Boston Police Bravo units back on Ch1. Ch3 must
still be having problems. 4/5/03 |
MSP Zone 22 is in operation with the Opening
of I-93 north the Liberty Tunnel. See
Johnson's Website 3/29/03 |
Boston Police has Channel 3 460.225 back in
service and Bravo units have cleared Citywide Ch1 460.350
(3/20/03) |
Providence Citywide Tac 3 (notification for
Northern RI and SE MA) has moved too 461.100 91.5
(*info courtesy of Ed412 on
ScanMassEast 3/5/03) |
Freetown PD has licensed
470.925 and Westport has a pending license for
(*info courtesy of Tim on
ScanMass.net 3/5/03) |
Palmer MA is restructuring it's radio system with
155.7825R 167.9 becoming a main dispatch for it's three districts.
(*info courtesy of Alarmroom
on ScanMass.net 3/4/03 see
this post for more details) |
Hudson FD reportedly now using
D411 which was licensed to the PD. This may be temporary since the FD also
have two new UHF frequencies licensed
460.525 and
(*info courtesy of Bill Smith
on ScanMass.net 3/4/03) |
Southbridge Fire has licensed a repeater on
WPXB405 with 159.375 as an input (*info
courtesy of gr8amp and Mike Fitzpatrick 2/28/03) |
Tim Caldwell is reporting on
his site that
trunked Cape radios are being reprogrammed in March. Unknown if this could
be related with talk of the combining Zones 4&6 into one Zone. |
NOAA new transmitter only for Marine broadcasts
from Gloucester on 162.425
Globe Story |
Hudson Police are now using
470.600R D411.
(*info courtesy of Bill Smith
and Doug Meyer 2/13/03) |
Southbridge FD has licensed a new repeater on
154.310R PL146.2.
159.375 input (*info
courtesy of Jack Mahoney 2/6/03) |
Canton PD now using
471.350R D411 as their new main. (*info
courtesy of gr8amp and GarySaffer 2/3/03) |
Westminster PD now on
460.3125R PL 100.0 (*info
courtesy of Michael Darch 2/3/03) |
Carlisle PD has added a new UHF repeater on
460.2875 to their
WQL891 license. (2/03/2003) |
Holden PD appears to now be simulcasting on
453.7375 131.8. Originally licensed by their DPW. (*info courtesy of
Michael Darche
1/30/03) |
Wareham FD is back on their new Frequency of
460.2375R 118.8 after a repeater problem. (*info
courtesy of Dan Costa
1/30/03) |
 | NOAA is transmitting from a new tower in Peterborough, NH. on 162.525 (*info
courtesy of Stephen W. York
1/30/03) |
I-90 Mass Pike new extension has a new Zone 21 with a control Ch of 860.2375 in the
tunnel. Talkgroups keep popping up 41872 appears to be maintenance, 41776
unknown yet. |
New Talkgroups popping up around Mass Pike/Ted
Williams new tube opening. 41776 and 41872 so far. Stay tuned |
Rochester FD now testing on
471.425 162.2 expect to be switched over buy Jan 1st. (*info
courtesy of Dan Costa
emt83601712/24/02) |
Wareham Fire now operating on
460.2375 118.8 (*info courtesy of Rob Reardon 12/23/02) |
 | MEMA and State Police distribute Public Safety Communications
equipment to local communities. press release (*info
courtesy of Bill Dunn) |
Mendon PD has now repeaterized on
155.520R 114.8. Input is
158.9175 D351. |
Several credible sources have reported that BPD ch14
460.275 D343 is now becoming a citywide Interagency channel for
Interoperability between Boston Fire, Boston EMS and Boston Police. |
Uniden 11/6/02
release backs up delay with BC250D and no 9600 baud. |
Lakeville FD reported now on
460.1625R with a PL of 100.0 (*info courtesy of Rob Reardon
11/02/02) |
Stow Police has now repeaterized on
155.595 123.0 with an input of
160.080 (*info courtesy of
Bill Smith) |
Billerica Fire is now on the air testing and
simulcasting on 483.475
74.4 (*info
courtesy of Dan Costa
emt83601710/24/02) |
is reporting Uniden BC250D here in mid-Nov. BC785 sometime in Dec.
more info |
New Boston Police channel has appeared on
D423. New license on
460.200 as well. |
Billerica Fire is about two months from going UHF on
483.475 with a PL 74.4 (*info
courtesy of emt836017 on the
Scan NE
Forum 10/13/02) |
District 14 has two new pending licenses for
repeaters on
453.3875 Concord and
471.050 Hopkinton (10/13/02) |
It looks like the long talked about MSP trunk changes
on the Cape are starting to take place. More Info |
Waltham Fire now operating on new frequency
453.8375 141.3 (*info
courtesy of
Art Burns 9/25/02) |
New Lynn Fire Frequency Plan
Dispatch 153.800 79.7 154.415 74.4 fireground 153.830 74.4 (*info
courtesy of
Peter Sturgis 8/29/02) |
New listing for Billerica
WPVX561 for a repeater on
484.025R for Emergency Management (8/30/02)
The MDC/MWRA migration to Zone 1 has started taking
place (*info
courtesy of
Peter Sturgis 8/29/02) |
470.525 103.5 used by Police Details at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro
(*info courtesy of MRS-426 8/29/02) |
Swansea FD now on 470.5375 D315 (*info
courtesy of Medic1924 on the
Scan NE
Forum 8/12/02) Scan
NE Fourm |
The New MSPZone1 control channel is back on 859.7375.
This is new Zone for the MDC/MWRA. |
Maynard Fire now testing and simulcasting on
(*info courtesy of
Bill Smith 6/14/02) |
New VHF Mass Pike High Band
channel plan (*info
courtesy of Peter Sturgis 6/7/02) |
New MWRA channel plan posted
on the
Cape Cod Message Board that mentions trunk changes. (*info
courtesy of David Gilmartin) |
Maynard FD is going ahead with plans to switch to
with grant money. (*info
courtesy of John Flood 6/12/02) |
Hyannis FD now operating on 868.2125 203.5 simulcasting
on 33.940 114.8 (*info courtesy of
Caldwell's Antenna
5/18/02) |
Billerica Fire has been granted a license for
483.475* (*info courtesy of
Tom Moran 5/21/02) |
Wareham FD soon to be switching to
460.2375 (*info courtesy of
Caldwell's Antenna
5/18/02) |
Rochester MA has licensed
471.425 and
471.750 unknown use (*info courtesy of
Caldwell's Antenna
5/18/02) |
Boston EMS is simulcasting Tac9 onto a new frequency
453.10 PL 151.4. (*info courtesy of
Peter Szerlag 5/15/02) |
 | Upton Police are now using a repeater on
by scancwa on the
message board
5/15/02) |
Northeast FireNews
now reports that Lynn FD has put
153.80 on hold for now
(*info courtesy of
John Galla
FireNews and
Gary Saffer 5/15/02) |
Maynard FD's
has now been granted but reports indicate that the town lack's the funds.
(4/30/2002) |
Cambridge PD's 800 simulcast is back on
470.3125. Appears to have been a radio problem (4/25/02) |
Boston Fire has
licensed 483.150, 483.175, 483.200, 483.225, 482.250. They may simplex
fire ground operations.
(*info courtesy of
Gary Saffer 5/15/02) |
Quincy MA has licensed a 800 trunk system 866.125,
866.325, 866.3625, 866.5625, 866.625, 866.850, 868.600,
868.825 (* info courtesy of
Caldwell's Antenna
4/21/02) **Info in
message board indicates it will never be
built |
 | Northeast FireNews has
Lynn FD adding
153.80 79.7 for dispatch
(*info courtesy of
John Galla
FireNews and
Gary Saffer 4/22/02) |
 | Testing now on new Millis Fire
483.700 DPL 065 and Police
484.200 DPL 054 frequencies
(*info courtesy of DanM MRS-86
4/04/02) |
Bedford FD is now on
453.7375 MHz with a DPL of 125 |
Sudbury FD has now switched over operations to
482.750 127.3
(*info courtesy of
Bill Smith 3/28/02) |
Hudson has licenses pending on
470.600 and
(*info courtesy of
Tom Muse 3/28/02) |
Waltham Fire have a pending license for
(*info courtesy of
Tom Muse 3/28/02) |
Foxborough PD have
pending licenses for two new repeaters
470.525 and
460.0625 |
Medford Fire now repeaterized on
153.89 with a new
input of
156.0075* (* info courtesy of
Peter Szerlag) |
Maynard FD has a
pending license for a Repeater on
(*info courtesy of
Bill Smith) |
Bolton PD and FD up and running on new repeaters
482.850 and 453.125 both D054 |
Sudbury FD now testing on 482.750 127.3 and on
Concord FD's UHF |
Littleton PD now repeaterized on 155.850 151.4
(input 154.86) |
Blackstone MA FD 159.330 using DPL 565* (* info courtesy of
Caldwell's Antenna) |
Raynham using 453.900 D-371* (* info courtesy of
Caldwell's Antenna) |
Manchester FD switching to Trunk 2/4/02
see John Marcel's
update |
Hanscom Air Force Base Police now using Astro digital system
on 163.4625 (*info courtesy of
Tom Moran 1/29/02) |
Upton Fire going repeaterized. 153.905out 158.7825in 97.4
Fire Ground on 155.040 123.0
(*info courtesy of DanM MRS-86
1/28/02) |
Hopkinton FD reported to be testing on 460.0875 DPL 065 |
Boxboro PD now on 155.6475 PL 136.5 with an input of
158.73 |
Sudbury MA FD soon on 482.750 127.3
* (* info courtesy of
Caldwell's Antenna) |
Mass General Hospital on 854.8375 * |
Groveland MA PD now on 483.5125 * |
Dracut MA Fire new F2 of 155.055
* |
Medfield PD now on 471.700 D065 |
Milford PD now on 472.600 D466 |
NOAA now on white mountains of NH 162.450 Stratham KZC40
and 162.500 MT Wash KZC41 |
 | Holliston is now on 470.475. EMS will move Oct 1st. |
 | Norwell FD is now on 453.175 with a
203.5 PL. They will be simulcasting on their old freq (33.94) for the time
being (reported by Art on
the message board) |
 | Blackstone MA PD reportedly now on 155.8725R D343 with an input of
153.9575 |
 | Bellingham FD has now switched over to 483.3875 DPL 065 |
 | Belmont FD now on a new UHF frequency
of 482.775 PL77.0 (reported by Art on
the message board) |
 | Nashua Police goes Digital The
Nashua Telegraph |
 | Hyannis Fire testing on 868.2125 with
PL of 203.5 |
 | Boston's Fourth of July 2001 Celebration at the Esplanade
Listening Guide |
 | New MSP Talkgroups have been added to the system and all
radios are being re-programmed (See Steve
Johnson's site for more info) |
 | Uniden Project 25 scanner
expected in about a year TelcomClick
Story |
 | Everett FD now repeaterized on 154.310 (186.2 PL) input
is 158.8125 |
 | Marion FD now on 483.425 173.8 |
 | New Bellingham FD frequency 483.3875 DPL 065 (coming soon) |
New A&H/D Troop smartnet repeater on Ide's Hill in
Attleboro (See Steve
Johnson's site for more info) |
Providence Citywide now back too 463.775 167.9
3/31 |
Lincoln FD new repeater 154.145 107.2 |
Millville FD now on 33.82 |
Not So
Recent Stories:
Northeastern Student Reportedly Slain Over Drugs
BostonChannel.com story
Going bananas: Unlicensed speeding trucker drives Hub
Boston Herald Story
Crash in tunnel snarls I-93
Boston Globe Story
Ayer MA FD Seeks New $104,000 Radio System
Townsend Times Story
Cellphone pact stalls in tunnel
Boston Globe Story
Big Dig drivers finally hit the open road: Vital
stretch of city's I-93 stops traffic, then eases it
Boston Herald Story

Strong odor shuts down Park Street station
Boston.Com Story
Drivers urged to steer clear of Artery
Boston.Com story
Anti-war protesters stage rallies
around the state
Boston.com Story
Route 3 closed after fugitive hit state police cruiser
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Multiple crashes reported as fast-moving storm
moves into area
Boston Herald Story
2 arrested after crash of stolen car
Boston Globe Story
Falling beam kills ironworker
Boston Herald Story
Driver in head-on fatal lost license 7 times
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Man in crash had 7 license suspensions
Boston Globe Story
Woman dead after police chase
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One dead, two hurt in head-on crash
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Crash rescue was race against time
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Three survive, four killed in western Mass. plane crash
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Search launched for plane reportedly carrying family of seven
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Security supervisor for Saugus club is shot
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Overcrowded club shut down
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Four arrested in shooting at vehicle on SE
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Use of foam at club called safety lapse
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Death toll reaches 96 in fire at R.I. nightclub; 187 hurt
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Deaths, injuries in fire at R.I. club
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Brown Photos (Click on picture for large view)
Four-alarm fire hits Marblehead
Salem News
Serial bank suspect defies norm
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Marine-only transmitter to be installed in Gloucester
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Two men stabbed, hospitalized after bloody Roxbury
birthday bash brawl
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Chopper pilot struggled to avoid hitting pal in crash
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Pilot guides falling copter between homes
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Cops: 16-year-old hurt in Brockton stolen car
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Crash kills teen sports star Gallup
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Smith Photo (Click on picture for large view)
Emerson Hospital
ALS van in accident
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Cops arrest Hub suspect in unborn baby's shooting
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Some power restored at Mount Washington
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Mt. Washington fire affects radio stations
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Multiple blazes keep firefighters busy
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Roxbury man allegedly beats, stabs woman to death
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Two Boston police officers wounded in apartment shooting
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Woman fatally stabbed outside a home
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Sold-out show sparks riot at nightclub in Saugus
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50 police stop brawl at Saugus club
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Fire guts Chelmsford apartment complex
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Police eyeing link between robbery, earlier carjacking
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Stunned kin seek answers in Roslindale mom's killing
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Roslindale woman's slaying not random, police say
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Driver in police shooting involved in earlier incident
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Trooper hurt when cruiser strikes deer
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Four officers injured chasing stolen car
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4 officers hurt as 2 cruisers collide
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Roxbury man nabbed in connection with bank robbery string
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Framingham Teens charged in restaurant stabbings
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Suspect in Thanksgiving stabbing surrenders to police
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Holiday travel takes heavy toll: Road wrecks kill five New Englanders
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Questions linger after girl, 11, is found safe
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Stoughton girl is home safe
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Oil-truck accident fouls Braintree street
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Traffic accident results in massive oil spill
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Thousands turn out for anti-war rally on Common
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15,000 protest attack on Iraq
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Deadly fire razes block in Roxbury
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Fire destroys Roxbury housing development
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Search for Abington senior continues
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Boston TV station disrupts Camco police system
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State officials order high alert
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Police brass to ban cops from shooting cars: Arrest alleged driver of car in
fatal chase
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Man held as driver at fatal shooting
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Cyclist shot in Dorchester
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Pakistan president visits Hub: Ally Musharraf balks at Iraq invasion
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Dorchester mom killed by police gunfire
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'I was scared for my life': Woman recounts chase in which
cousin died
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Police fatally shoot woman in fleeing car
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Fatal police shooting puts focus on policy
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Officer shot on street in Chinatown
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Female police officer wounded in running gun battle
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Head-on crash kills 2 on I-495 at rush hour
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High-speed chase through Hub ends in arrest
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Suspect drives cops crazy: Crash-and-dash car chase ends in Medford mall bust
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Cops foil N.H. pharmacy plot: Suspects accused of planning massacre
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Belmont brings in P.I. to probe complaints about cops
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Coast Guard commissions new cutter in Boston
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Violence erupts on Hub streets
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For charity's sake, motorists must give way to road HOGS
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Feds slap alleged gang members with racketeering charges
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Ex-cons to face charges in 3 Cape home invasions
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Men charged in robberies of elderly
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Selectmen seek improvements in weekend ambulance coverage
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Cambridge SWAT officers shoot man toting hatchet
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Explosion rocks Cambridge building
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MBTA chief chosen for Milford police helm
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911 tape: Husband warned of fatal attack on wife
Boston Herald Story
Day scare: Officials board up `horrific' home for child
Boston Herald Story
North End women on guard after latest rape
Boston Herald Story
of July Frequency Update
A burst of pride
Boston Globe Story
A red-hot and blue Fourth: Patriotism, sun burn bright at security-conscious
Boston Herald StoryPatrolman's heroics at fire called unbelievable
Boston Herald Story
Man charged in fatal Cambridge shooting
Boston Herald Story
Officer injured in crash in Charlestown
Boston Globe Story
Hotel's high-paying guest nabbed for drug possession
Boston Herald Story
Boston police gun down suspect after chase; city's sixth fatal shooting in 18
Boston Herald Story
Cops fatally shoot ex-con after alleged car assault
Boston Herald Story
Boston cop under investigation: Shot motorist after crash
Boston Herald Story
Bullets sail into black-tie gala
Boston Herald Story
Police to probe officer shooting
Boston Globe Story
Officer witnesses shooting on street
Firefighters Battle 9-Alarm Navy Yard Fire FireHouse.com Story
Charlestown rope factory hit by fire
Boston Globe Story
Arson suspected in Navy Yard fire
Boston Herald Story
Navy Yard building burns: Historic structure heavily damaged
Boston Herald Story
Nine-alarm fire at Charleston Navy Yard destroys historic building
Boston Herald Story
Suspect in slaying arrested again after cop chase
Boston Herald Story
Father accidentally backs car into son, killing tot, 2
Boston Herald Story
Chiefs urge municipal cop boss as trooper gets national award
Boston Herald Story
Man arraigned in theft of car
Boston Herald Story
Samaritan loses car to reckless driver suspect
Herald Story
Salem dad dies in crash after fleeing Somerville traffic stop
Boston Herald Story
Salem man dies in police pursuit
Boston Globe Story
Porn firm takes over police's tip site
Boston Globe Story
Medford man shot dead in restaurant
Boston Herald Story
Alleged clergy abuse victim caught with knife near priest's home
Boston Herald Story
Plane threat causes scare: Troubled man arrested at Logan
allegedly got into cockpit
Boston Herald Story
Boston-Orlando flight aborted after passenger makes threat
Boston Herald Story
ch5 video
Passenger Makes Threat On Plane
The Boston
Channel Story
Herald photo
Judge freed abusive husband days before killing
Boston Herald Story
ch5 video
Two Dead In Amesbury Shooting
The Boston
Channel Story
Amesbury shooting kills two
Boston Globe Story
Massachusetts man charged with kidnapping after
Boston Herald Story
Arlington woman shoots alleged intruder
Boston Herald Story
Building in Fenway hit with second fire
Boston Globe Story
Globe Photo
Fire Guts Fenway Apartment Building
TheBostonChannel.com Story
Parade honors heroes and victims of Sept. 11
Boston Herald Story
Cops seek driver in fatal crash
Boston Herald Story
Crew contains oil spill on 128
Boston Herald Story
Fuel Spill Snarls Traffic Along Route 128
Channel.com Story

Channel.com photo left Boston Herald photo right
Undercover sting snares 12 suspects in drug ring
Boston Herald Story
Cop's fatal shooting of teen ruled justified
Boston Herald Story
DA drops case against officer
Boston Globe Story
Police chiefs blast off-base parking plan for air
Metro West Daily News
Westover cancels this year's air show
Boston Herald Story
Biker truce ends; N.H. fears possible violence
Boston Herald Story
Officers Shoot Son of Dartmouth Police Officer
Detective's son in police shooting
Boston Globe Story
Cops round up 23 in biker gang outside Revere bar
Boston Herald Story
Weymouth man killed after truck slams house
Boston Herald Story
Locals: Teen pranks spun into deadly spiral
Boston Herald Story
Disconnect found in cellular emergency service
Boston Globe Story
Police captain allegedly fires at van full of DA workers
Boston Herald Story
Cop's shooting of suspect sent to grand jury
Boston Herald Story
Driver is shot, killed by Boston police officer
Boston Globe Story
Police probe Hub cop's shooting of unarmed suspect
Boston Herald Story
Police officer fatally shoots man in Boston
Boston Herald Story
Teen held in bus shooting, one sought
Boston Herald Story
Cops charge two suspects with Nov. bank heist in Newton
Boston Herald Story
Evans: Our cops were champs keeping peace at Pats rally
Boston Herald Story
Pair nabbed in shooting outside club
Boston Herald Story
Cops arrest suspect in 3 Dorchester rape cases
Boston Herald Story
Slain writer's dad seen with ex-hooker: Takes woman to
Hub ER for pneumonia
Boston Herald Story
Wellesley doc's hooker tied to Truro slay case
Boston Herald Story
Greineder ex-escort is tied to Truro case
Boston Globe Story
Seal hits beach in Southie
Boston Herald Story
Boy dies of head injury after being hit by sliding door
of minivan
Boston Herald Story
After chase, crash kills 1
Boston Herald Story
Man arrested in T assault
Boston Herald Story
Veteran cop gets 9-month suspension
Boston Herald Story
Cops: Man with officer's stolen gun fires on wife's house, leads police on chase
Boston Herald Story
Traffic stop ends hunt for suspected cat burglar
Boston Herald Story
All will soon be quiet on
police scanner front
Portsmouth Herald
Open access to police communications is vital
Portsmouth Herald
High-speed chases end in arrests
Boston Globe Story
Hub EMS surpasses 100,000 emergency calls in '01
Boston Herald Story
Jump in murders puzzles Boston leaders
Boston Globe Story
Sons of fire commissioner and police officer
Herald Story
Boston cops shut down suspected `chop shop'
Boston Herald Story
Mom vows revenge in Revere club killing
Boston Herald Story
US confiscates computers in software piracy probe
Boston Globe Story
Teen will admit to dealing fatal blow
Boston Herald Story
Strip club manager is slain in Revere: R.I.
Centerfolds boss shot as patrons, dancers watch
Boston Herald Story
Thieves hold up Mission Hill marketgoers
Boston Herald Story
Cops charge three with bank heists
Herald Story
Police take on a new roll
Boston Globe Story
Youth admits role in slayings
Boston Globe Story
As engine sputters, pilot forced to use Route 20
as landing strip
Boston Herald Story
Police bust teenage hooker ring in Belmont
Boston Herald Story
Robberies surge since September attacks
Herald Story
Teen will claim insanity in prof killings
Boston Herald Story
Two more teen-agers scheduled to be arraigned in
high school bomb plot
Boston Herald Story
Fear keeps students home: Quiet New Bedford High echoes
with anger, concern
Boston Herald Story
Cops: 'Freak crowd' planned massacre
Boston Herald Story
Police declare Massachusetts high school safe after
sweeping it for explosives
Boston Herald Story
Details of alleged plot revealed
Boston Globe Story
Classmates voice their
disbelief South
Coast Today Story
School officials react with shock
South Coast Today
Police arrest 3 in high school bombing plot
South Coast Today
A foiled conspiracy raises new concerns about our students
South Coast Today
South Coast Today Photo
Mothers say case out of proportion
South Coast Today
Ambulance crash kills a Newton paramedic
Boston Herald Story
Tewksbury man dies in crash of small plane off Falmouth
Boston Herald Story
Man's body recovered after small plane crashes off Mass.
Boston Herald Story
Murder of homeless woman latest Harvard Square 'pit'
Boston Herald Story
Man is killed, another critical in 2 shootings
Boston Herald Story
Five charged in stabbing death of homeless woman
Boston Herald Story
5 held in woman's riverside slaying
Boston Globe Story
Southie man busted for Weymouth drug robbery
Herald Story
Fire job goes to 33-year veteran
Boston Globe Story
Truck scare proves to be false alarm
Boston Herald Story
Authorities find, clear suspicious van
Boston Globe Story
Authorities look out for rental van
Boston Herald Story
Police seek van with suspicious cargo
Boston Globe Story
Drug `cell' busted with arrests here and in Costa Rica
Boston Herald Story
grow uneasy as crime rates begin to rise
Boston Globe Story
Suspect leads cops on wild chase
Boston Herald Story
Shooting of drug suspect ruled justified
Boston Herald Story
MBTA bus, fire truck collide nearly head-on in Southie,
10 injured
Herald Story
MBTA bus hits building after colliding with firetruck
Boston Globe Story
Car passenger wounded in shooting
Boston Globe Story
Who pays tanker's escort fee?
Boston Globe Story
Feds nab five eyed in jewel heists
Herald Story
National Guard posted around Pilgrim
Boston Globe Story
Swift, Menino argue tankers
Boston Globe Story
Crash sparks probe of police pursuit
Boston Herald Story
Hub cops probed after fatal accident
Boston Herald Story
Officers' actions are questioned in chase
Boston Globe Story
Man with swords arrested at Boston airport; panicked passengers ran out of his
Boston Herald Story
Machete-wielding bandits rob Foxwoods-bound bus
Herald Story
Workers Find White Powder on Stationary, Officials Investigating
CBS.com Story
Man killed, five hurt in Roxbury gun battle
Boston Herald Story
Woburn shooting victim was targeted, police say
Boston Herald Story
Woman charged in boyfriend's death
Boston Herald Story
Rail station shut by dud grenades
Boston Herald Story
recorded audio (disturbing)
1 dead in Walpole 4-car pileup as horrified kin look on
Boston Herald Story
High-speed, head-on crash leaves six people dead in N.H.
Herald Story
Cabbie helps nab suspect
Worcester Telegram and
Gazette Story
OxyContin robberies staged at Quincy, Somerville
Herald Story
triple-deckers destroyed in Eastie
Boston Herald Story
Shopping district gunfire injures 1
Boston Globe Story
Cops probe alleged hooker killer: Suspect eyed in similar slayings
Herald Story
Mayor agrees to fire pact: City swaps big bucks for reform measures
Boston Herald Story
City, firefighters settle
Boston Globe Story
Several craft destroyed at Sesuit Harbor dock
Cape Cod Times
4-Alarm fire rips through Dennis Marina
CapeNews Story
4 officers, man hurt in chase
Boston Globe Story
A good cop, bad outcome
Boston Globe Story (a follow up on a story below)
Sweep by cops nets 22 suspects in Dorchester
Boston Herald Story
Festival turns violent:
Caribbean party broken up by gunplay
Boston Herald Story
Kamikaze: Sources: Estranged husband
crashes plane into family home
Boston Herald Story

Triple murder suspect nabbed in Vt.
Rutland Herald
Story (very detailed on capture details)
Killing spree: Carjack suspect held in
3 slayings
Boston Herald Story
Man held in trail of
Boston Globe Story
Two Boston police officers shot at
Boston Globe Story
blaze at lumberyard caused estimated $1.5 million damage
Boston Herald Story
Power outage closes Callahan Tunnel
Boston Globe
Cops disarm Dorchester knife wielder
in standoff
Boston Herald Story
Cops grab suspect in bank jobs
Boston Herald
City police pull plug on scanner watchers
The Nashua Telegraph
Police officers shoot man wielding
knife at T stop
Boston Herald Story
Police end search at Massachusetts
Lucent plant
Boston Herald Story
Pilot walks away from Logan crash
Boston Herald Story
plane crashes at Logan Airport
Boston Herald Story
Snipers hit again on Route 3
Boston Herald Story
Man quizzed about Bish, held in unrelated abduction
Boston Herald Story
Brockton police nab alleged gun runners
Herald Story
Bush, Clinton to attend
Moakley funeral
Boston Herald Story
Police seeking man who allegedly
drugged, raped girls at sleepover
Boston Herald Story
Suspect shot and killed by injured Boston police officer
Boston Herald Story
Cops nab Hyde Park man after Expressway car chase
Boston Herald Story
Cell Phone Misdialed 911 Calls On The Rise WCVB
Ch 5 Story
Nowhere to Hide WHDH-TV
Ch 7 Story
Plane crash survivors recall ordeal Boston
Herald Story
Intruder who tried to rape eyed in rash of invasions Boston
Herald Story
from Tim Caldwell's
Cape News
Cape driver held without bail for death of man in
wheelchair Boston
Herald Story

At least 4 dead in U.S. tour bus crash in Canada CNN
Four children killed when U.S. tour bus crashes in Canada CNN
Canadian officials questioning driver; services are planned Boston
Globe Story

The Massachusetts State Police will take delivery of their third AS355N Twin
Star at Heli-Expo Press
Pair held in kidnap try: Possible links to Bish case unlikely Boston
Herald Story
Fatal BU `prank' involved swastika Boston
Herald Story
Officer shoots, kills driver after wild ride near North Station
Boston Globe
Suspect shot after apparent police chase
2 Beverly cops hurt in stolen car chase Boston
Herald Story
Dispatch Radios Endanger FDNY CBS2
More on the FDNY digital radio recall Daily
News Online Story Another
Daily News Story
Dartmouth slaying suspects arrested MSNBC
Cops nab elusive carjack suspect.. Boston
Herald Story
A While Back:

Boston police at the scene of the shooting on Friend Street near North Station
this afternoon.
An undercover officer shot the driver of an escaping car, causing the car, shown
at right,
to hit a backhoe and plow into a mound of dirt. (Globe Staff Photo / John

Boston Globe Picture Boston
Globe Story WCVB
Ch5 Video
Pair held on $2M bail each in Boston-area ATM scam
Boston Herald Story
Man shoots and kills intruder
Herald Story
Masked rapist attacks woman
Boston Herald Story
Police hunt for suspect in Chelsea stabbing death
Boston Herald Story
Trooper receives award for rest stop killing arrest
Boston Herald Story
Black leaders back police commissioner: Union sticks to
demand for resignation
Boston Herald Story
2d group offers support for Evans
Boston Globe Story
Jealous ex-lover shoots rival, kills self in Allston
Boston Herald Story
Dad held in beating of 6-week-old baby
Boston Herald Story
Life behind the badge
Boston Globe Story
Police seek new leads for missing woman
Boston Globe Story
News Photo by Ken McGagh
Commanding attention: Middlesex Sheriff's Office unveils new vehicle
MetroWest Daily News
Lodge: The sheriff's magic bus
MeroWest Daily News Column
Shot carjack suspect eyed in Hub murder
Boston Herald Story
Officer shoots carjack suspect
Boston Globe Story
Shootout: Hub cop foils carjacking, shoots suspect
Boston Herald Story
Six accused of involvement in crime ring
Boston Herald Story
Husband beats wife, kills himself with gun
Boston Herald Story
Evans under fire from all sides in shooting
Boston Herald Story
Union calls for Evans to step down
Boston Globe Story
Fire Damages State's Power
Generation Facility on Mount Washington
Fire rips through triple-decker in Southie
Boston Herald Story
Second woman attacked near Longwood T stop
Boston Globe Story
Hotels beef up security
Boston Herald Story 
Pregnant Woman Shot on MBTA Train
Whdh.com Story
MBTA gunman kills woman's unborn baby
Boston Herald Story
Boston Police arrest three in connection with bank robbery spree
WBZ.com Story
Off-duty firefighter aids in rescue of elderly couple in Mansfield
Boston Herald Story
Police seeking mystery pair in Natick gunfight
Boston Herald Story
Suspect shot, wounded by veteran Norton cop
Boston Herald Story
2 accused of impersonating police
Boston Globe Story
State Police search unit frequently overlooked
Boston Globe Story
Deer Island blast caused by a lighter
Boston Globe Story
Hub reels from cop shootings
Boston Herald Story
Injured cops known for heart, bravery
Boston Herald Story
Shootings wound two Hub officers
Boston Globe Story
Pal: They jumped the gun: Friend says owner told him to
report arms cache
Boston Herald Story
Weapons found in Wakefield
Boston Globe Story
Plan to clear the air for police radios hits snag
Bish case find: Arm bone located
Boston Herald Story
4 arraigned on weapons charges
Boston Globe Story
Motive In Police Chase Unknown
BostonChannel.com Story