Boston's Fourth of July 2007 Celebration
Its been a few years since I have updated
this info so I thought it was time. Many yearly updates can be found on
http://www.scanmass.net boards. The thing
is that events like these consist of many fleets of rental radios on the
non-public safety and differ completely from year to year. Just as I gather all
the info during the event this year. It is now out of date for next year. But I
will post it as a guide on where to start looking.
Public Safety
State Police (Zone 5)
SOPS 1 33360 UCC Primary Boston Side
SOPS 2 33488 Cambridge Side
SOPS 3 33680 Unit 2 Unit
(Day before 4th Air units doing video microwave with the UCC and BPD)
SOPS 4 33712 Escorts
SOPS 5 33872 Air units doing video microwave
with the UCC and BPD
LPS 1 36336 Marine Units (State, Boston, Coast
Guard, DLE, etc.)
TECH-A 35312 MSP Radio Techs on site
STATE 35472 Air units when not on SOPS
I-TAC-1 866.5125 156.7 was patched to Boston's
BPD/BFD/BEMS 14 460.275 D466 and
Cambridge's F6 16976 Interagency/Interop channels

MSP Direct 868.9625 141.3
State Fire Marshall East 34992
EXEC A 35152
Boston Police
BPD 1 460.350 D315 units on the parameter and
access streets (most of this event is State property with very
few Boston units on location)
BPD 12 460.050 D464 Escorts
BPD/BFD/BEMS 14 460.275 D466
patched to I-TAC-1 866.5125
156.7 and Cambridge's
F6 16976 Interagency/Interop channels
DCR (Zone 1)
41232 SOPS
41328 Rangers
41008 Central 1
41200 Reservations 2
460.550R Tac 12 192.8 (main on scene)
462.950R Tac 9 151.4
483.2375R D712 (main on scene) [also used direct]
LPS-2 National Guard Units
Also they all now carry IntraSquad radios (military FRS type radios) so put them
in as well.
Military IntraSquad Radios (Military equivalent to FRS radios)
TV Tech Group 455.4125S 88.5
450.9875R CS (TV camera cueing)
Fireworks Comms 450.0625R 85.4
Data to Barge 161.730, 450.850
Music to Barge 161.64in 166.25Rout
464.425S Stage Direction D031 (Talamas Rental Ch1)
Onsite communication- unidentified purpose
458.000S 69.3 ???
462.550S D662
461.575S 141.3
463.550S 127.3
464.500S 118.8
460.550 67.0 ??
854.4875S 136.5 licensed to Cambridge PD
Please email
or post any other frequencies or updates on
ScanMass Board
PAST YEARS: The history
Boston's Fourth of July 2003 Celebration
Thanks to Kennyblues, Bill Dunn, Gary Safer
and others for helping comply the below info.
Public Safety
State Police (Zone 5)
SOPS 1 33360 UCC Primary
SOPS 2 33488 Cambridge Side
SOPS 5 33872 Marine Units
SOPS 3 thru 8 where also used on scene
STATE 35472 Air units doing video microwave with 100 Beacon and UCC
34992 State Fire Marshall East
35152 EXEC A
38928 MEMA E
36336 LOCPS
868.9625 141.3 MSP Direct
867.5125 156.7 I-TAC-3 direct
MDC (Zone 1)
41232 SOPS
41328 Rangers
41008 Central 1
41200 Reservations 2
460.550R Tac 12 192.8 (main on scene)
462.950R Tac 9 151.4
483.2375R 118.8 Ch4 (main on scene) [also used direct]
460.050R 118.8 MOPS
867.0125R 156.7 I-TAC-2 National Guard Units
157.075 USCG ch 81
162.1250 USCG LANT 03
259.9, 260.9, 262.0 Otis F-15's callsign Slam 21
Boston's Fourth of July folks/brass 462.0875 91.5 (ch3 on 16ch
rental radios)
*no use again for the second year of
KNIZ355 PL151.4 Input 159.285 Boston's 4th of July
brass ch. in the past
Video Crews for CBS 464.225 127.3 (ch5 on 16ch rental radios)
Camera Cues (separate radios)
Ch 1 455.9125 67.0 in 450.9125R CS out
Ch2 455.9625 69.3 in 450.9625R CS out
Capron Crews and stage cueing 462.700 D156
Fireworks Comms MMCOMM 450.4375R
Data to Barge 161.730, 455.90
Music to Barge 161.64in 166.25Rout
Please email
or post any other frequencies or updates on
ScanMass Board

Boston's Fourth of July 2002 Celebration
(7/6/02 okay what I had found by the end of
the long hot couple of days....)
Every year I try to track down the channels in use and what for but it seems to
change every year. Basically everything is rented so it seems to change with
whatever rental outfit they go with. This year radios all seemed to be from UHF
from TALAMAS or ATELL . In the past there has been a lot of VHF with the below
VHF channel being the main frequency of the upper staff and all of Capron on
Nextel. This year all of this seemed to be on Nextel with everything lower on
**note this channel
was not used this year and no VHF radios seemed to be used on site??
KNIZ355 PL151.4 Boston's 4th of July (seems to be the main
brass channel of the event.) Input 159.285
TV Camera Techs
Ch1 464.500 118.8
Ch2 464.550 123.0
Audio (video folk in background) PL for Wireless Headsets
457.5375 (82.5) Input either wired or on 468.8375, 468,4878 (88.5)
464.500 94.8 Some Capron folks?
464.425 (D031) Orchestra or talent people assistants
463.5625 167.9?? unknown
469.550 (233.6)
469.575 (173.8)
262.00AM Air National Guard units from Otis on the Fly By
450.4375 (82.5) Fireworks Comms.
161.73, 455.90 Fireworks Data feed
161.64, 166.2500 Fireworks Audio feed
Public Safety special thanks to
Bill Dunn and
Gary Safer for help with
much of the info below
LPS-1 Command and Control - All Agencies 36336
To be Monitored by GHQ Com-Sec Framingham as well
as the Unified Command Center. Agencies
affiliated will be
USCG, NG, DOC, Envi Police, EOPS, DFS, Massport,
Masspike, MDC, MEMA, MSP, Sheriffs, Boston (EMS, PD & FD), Cambridge (PD, FD &
State Police
SOPS 1A MSP Boston Side 33360
SOPS 1H MSP Cambridge Side 33488
SOPS 1B MSP Marine Unit Chit/Chat 33680
SOPS 2B MSP Tactical 33712
SOPS 1C MSP Cycles 33872
Det A/H Various Surv.
Ops 33520
Statewide 1 MSP Airwing 35472
H-PTL-1 Normal Ops 33264
H-PTL-2 Normal Ops 22296
Direct T/A - Short Range
868.9625 141.3
Traffic MSP H-Troop Talk Around
H-PTL-3 33328/ LPS-2 36368 / BEMS TAC14 460.525
(192.8) (Patched) Marine Operations
T/G to be patched at GHQ (now H-PTL-3 seemed to be
missing from this patch or I wasn't getting them??)
Other Agencies
Fire Marshal-A 34992 Fire Marshal and Fire Services
Monitored by DFS-Stow and MEMA
National Guard Units where on I-TAC-1 866.5125
(156.7) McCormick Building Repeater
Boston Police: 460.350 (118.8) Channel 1, 460.450 (118.8) Channel 2 Area A
Boston EMS: Tac12 460.550 (192.8), Tac9 460.950
*Tac14 460.525 (192.8) was patched to
Marine Operations??
State Environmental Police 39152, 39184 (units on
scene where on Marine Operations Groups and not their own talkgroups)
activity on the following other Trunks Boston, Cambridge & Massport.
Call Signs:
CP-1 Unified Command Post or UC
CP-2 MSP Mobile Command Post
Please email
or post any other frequencies or updates on
ScanMass Board