Civil Air Patrol Frequencies used in the Boston Area   Information provided by Eugene Sperry
(Mode listed before frequency FM is


Talk-around:    FM 148.1500     PL 100.0
Talk-around:    FM 148.1250     PL 100.0

Primary:        FM 148.1500 (in: 143.90)        PL 110.9 (portable repeater PL 114.8)
Secondary:      FM 148.1250 (in: 143.75)        PL 114.8 (portable repeater PL 103.5)

Air-to-Base:            FM 149.5375     PL 100.0

Search and Rescue:      FM 148.1375     PL 100.0

Tactical:               FM 142.2625     PL 100.0

Tactical:               FM 143.7625     PL 100.0


Practice Beacons:       AM 121.6000

Practice Beacons:       AM 121.7750

Search and Rescue:      AM 120.8500, 122.9000, 123.1000